04.avg 2023Poplave Flooding 08 2023Zaradi katastrofalnih poplav, ki so prizadele reko Savinjo, smo morali začasno zapreti vse ribolovne dejavnosti kot nujen varnostni ukrep. Huda narava poplav predstavlja velika tveganja tako za ribiče kot tudi za vodni ekosistem, zato je bilo zaprtje nujno do stabilizacije razmer in izboljšanja pogojev. Vsem ribičem, ki so načrtovali ribolov na območju Savinje, svetujemo, da se ribolova vzdržijo, saj ribolov v bližnji prihodnosti ne bo mogoč.Due to the catastrophic floods that struck the Savinja River, all fishing activities have been suspended as a necessary safety measure. The severity of the floods poses significant risks to both fishermen and the aquatic ecosystem, necessitating temporary closure until the situation stabilizes and conditions improve. We advise all anglers planning to fish in the area to refrain from visiting as fishing conditions will not be feasible for an extended period.
28.jun 2022Visoke temperature 2022OPOZORILO! Vročinski val je na žalost dodobra zajel tudi našo lepo dolino in temperatura Savinje v popoldanskem času v spodnjem delu našega okoliša, nizvodno od Ljubnega, lahko že dosega kritične meje. Vsem ribičem, tako članom kot gostom priporočamo, da se za ribolov do umiritve razmer ne odločajo, če pa že, pa pozivamo, da se za ribolov odločajo bodisi v zgodnjih jutranjih urah ali pozno popoldan, ko temperaturna obremenitev upade. V primeru stopnjevanja razmer bo po potrebi sprejeta popolna prepoved ribolova. Ribiški čuvaji bodo do preklica poostreno izvajali nadzor nad upoštevanjem ribolovnih pravil, zlasti primernega ravnanja z ujetimi ribami, uporabe trnkov brez zalusti ter minimalne debeline predvrvice!Pazite tudi nase in na svoje bližnje, zadržujte se v senci in uživajte dovolj tekočine!WARNING! The heatwave has unfortunately reached our beautiful valley. The temperature of the Savinja river in the lower part of our fishing district, below village Ljubno, can reach critical range. We strongly suggest all anglers, our members as well as our dear guests, that they postpone their fishing trips until the situation gets back to normal. If must, we suggest to choose the time very early in the morning and late in the afternoon when the sun goes down. In case of escalation of the heatwave we will close down the river for fishing! Our river wardens will aggrawate their watch and will especially be attentive on appropirate handling with fish, usage of barbless hooks and minimum tippet sizes!Take care on yourself and your friends, stay in shadow and stay hydrated!
20.jul 2022Visoke temperature 2022 IINUJNO OBVESTILO! Zaradi vročinskega vala in posledično izredno nizkega vodostaja ter visoke temperature vode je UO RD Ljubno ob Savinji sprejel sklep o prepovedi izvajanja ribolova in prodaje ribolovnih dovolilnic v vseh revirjih ter muharskem ribniku do nadaljnjega. Enako odločitev sta sprejeli tudi Ribiški družini Mozirje in Šempeter. Zaradi nastalih razmer so do nadaljnjega ustavili plovbo in vodne aktivnosti tudi vsi ponudniki kajak&rafting storitev iz območja občin Ljubno, Luče in Solčava. Ribiška družina Ljubno ob Savinji bo do normalizacije razmer podvojila čuvajsko službo v dnevnem in tudi nočnem času, prav tako pa bo v sodelovanju z občinami Ljubno, Luče in Solčava poostren nadzor nad nelegalnim kampiranjem in ostalimi nedovoljenimi aktivnostmi v obvodnem pasu izvajal medobčinski inšpektorat. Občina Ljubno je do nadaljnjega tudi z odlokom prepovedala plovbo.Prišel je čas, ko moramo varovanje narave postaviti daleč pred svoje aktivnosti, interese in veselje ter stopiti korak nazaj v njen dobrobit. Veseli nas, da to zmoremo složno, skupaj v širšem obsegu in v več interesnih skupinah.URGENT NOTICE! Due to the heat wave, low water level and high temperature the head of Fishing club Ljubno has decided to prohibit fishing in all areas as well as the flyfishing pond until further. The same decision was made also by Fishing club Mozirje and Šempeter downstream. Due to the current situation all providers of kayak and rafting service from municipalities Ljubno, Luče and Solčava have stopped their activities as well until further. The river wardens of Fishing club Ljubno ob Savinji will double their presence on the river both, day and night time until further. With cooperation of Municipalities Ljubno, Luče and Solčava, the intermunicipal inspectorate will aggravate the supervision regarding illegal camping in the nature etc. The Municipality Ljubno has prohibited the kayak&rafting with decree until further.The time came, when we have to put the welfare of the nature and its inhabitants before our desires, joy and interests. We are delighted to realise, that we can do this together in wider aspect and with different interests groups.
30.jun 2019Visoke temperature 2019Poletje s sabo prinaša višje temperature, ki niso obremenjujoče le za ljudi, temveč vplivajo tudi na počutje, zdravje in celo življenje živali. Z željo, da ohranimo naše vode bogate z zdravimi ribami vse ribiče, tako goste kot tudi člane, ki boste tekom poletja obiskali Savinjo z namenom ribolova vljudno prosimo, da upoštevate priporočila iz priloženih shem. Lovite zgodaj zjutraj, z ribami ravnajte posebej pazljivo in jih nikakor ne dvigajte iz vode ali celo polagajte na obrežje za fotografiranje. Poleg skrbi za ribe pa pazite tudi nase in na svoje zdravje ter med ribolovom zaužijte dovolj brezalkoholne tekočine, saj zaradi hladu od vode ne boste čutili žeje preden bo prepozno in boste že opazili prve znake dehidracije (suha koža, glavobol...), ki lahko vodi celo v toplotni udar.The summer time brings higher temperatures that are not only potential dangerous to human health, but do affect animals condition, health and even life. In order to keep the fish populations abundant and healthy, we would kindly like to ask all our dear guests and club members that intend to visit the Savinja river for flyfishing, to follow guidelines from attached scheme. Go fishing early in the morning, handle fish with special care, do not raise them out of the water or even put them on the river bank in order to take photo etc. Beside being attentive regarding to fish and fishing, please take care of yourself and your health as well and drink enough non alcoholic liquids since due to chillness of the water you will not feel thirst until it is already too late and you will notice first signs of dehydration (dry skin, headache...) that can lead into heat stroke.