Vabilo na zbor članov 2018

26. feb 2018 | predstavitev

Vabimo vas na redni letni zbor članov RD Ljubno ob Savinji, ki bo v nedeljo, 04.03.2018 ob 09.30 uri v prostorih Lovskega doma LD Ljubno, Ter 30, ki se nahaja ob cesti proti Rastkam. (mimo Kulturnega doma naravnost proti Smrekovcu ca. 2km se na desni strani nahaja lovski dom)

Dnevni red:
1.) Otvoritev občnega zbora
2.) Izvolitev delovnega predsedstva in verifikacijske ter volilne komisije.
3.) Poročila o delu organov in komisij RD Ljubno ob Savinji v letu 2017:
- poročilo predsednika
- poročilo gospodarja
- poročilo blagajničarke
- poročilo nadzornega odbora
- poročilo o delu mladinske sekcije
- poročilo o delu čuvajske službe
- poročilo tekmovalne komisije
- poročilo inventurne komisije
- poročilo disciplinske komisije
- poročilo verifikacijske komisije
4.) Razprava po poročilih in pozdrav gostov
5.) Predstavitev kandidatov za nadomestne volitve dveh članov NO, ter volitve le teh
6.) Poročilo volilne komisije
7.) Obravnava in sprejem letnega plana dela, finančnega plana ter seznanitev s planom gospodarjenja za leto 2018, katerega je že potrdil ZZRS
8.) Razno

Prosimo za zanesljivo udeležbo!

Prosimo, da v skladu s Statutom RD Ljubno morebitne predloge ali pobude za razpravo na zboru članov pošljete pisno na elektronski naslov najkasneje do 1.3.2018!

Člane RD Ljubno ob Savinji obenem obveščamo, da bo dvig letnih ribolovnih dovolilnic mogoč v Ribiškem domu RD Ljubno od 1. marca do 15. marca 2018 od 11.00 do 18.00 ure razen ob ponedeljkih, ko je dom zaprt! Prosimo vas, da se držite navedenega termina! Cena male letne dovolilnice (11 lovnih dni Savinja + 5 lovnih dni ribnik) za leto 2018 znaša 30 EUR, cena velike letne dovolilnice (21 lovnih dni Savinja + 5 lovnih dni ribnik) pa 60 eur. Za ženske in redne študente do 25. leta starosti velja 50% popust. Člani, ki niso opravili predpisanih delovnih ur, bodo obenem morali poravnati tudi te, sicer dvig ribolovne dovolilnice ni možen! Cena ene neopravljene delovne ure je 10 eur!

Člani, ki so v preteklem letu morali opraviti 50 delovnih ur in le teh niso opravili, po sklepu UO RD Ljubno ob Savinji ne morejo dvigniti letne ribolovne dovolilnice!

Tudi letos bo organizirana očiščevalna akcija reke Savinje, pritokov in okolice ribiškega doma. Za termin le te in termine delovnih akcij prosimo, da spremljate našo spletno stran ali oglasno desko. Opozarjamo na primerno opremo ter orodje!

Lep pozdrav in dober prijem!


Ostale objave »
Povejte nam svoje mnenje

Prepoved ribolova

Spoštovani gostje in člani ribiške družine Ljubno ob Savinji, obveščamo vas, da je v skladu s sklepom sprejetim na redni seji upravnega odbora ribiške družine Ljubno ob Savinji, dne 22. avgusta 2023, do nadaljnega prepovedan ribolov v vseh revirjih Zgornjesavinjskega ribiškega okoliša. Upravni odbor ribiške družine Ljubno ob Savinji

Prohibition of fishing

Dear guests and members of the Ljubno ob Savinja fishing family, we inform you that in accordance with the resolution adopted at the regular meeting of the board of the fishing family Ljubno ob Savinja, on August 22, 2023, until further notice, fishing is prohibited in all areas of the Zgornjesavinjska fishing district. Board of Ljubno ob Savinja fishing family

Catastrophic flooding in the Savinja valley

Dear guests, dear friends of the river Savinja,

Fish farm in Ljubno after flooding
It is breaking our hearts to inform you that our Savinja valley was devastated by catastrophic flooding 4.8.2023. The river destroyed the whole valley, many houses are gone forever. Roads in the valley are destroyed, as well as most of other infrastructure. Several thousands of people have barely escaped and several hundreds have fought for their lives and were rescued by helicopters, some of them after one or even two days.

The flooding destroyed our fish farm in Podvolovljek, it destroyed our fish farm in Ljubno as well as most of our equipment, damaged our vehicles etc. Our hearts are truly broken. All the work from the past decades was gone in several hours. Most of our local members have their houses flooded or affected by landslides. Others are helping in search and rescue missions or are helping to restore minimum infrastructure. The whole area is without drinking water, electricity and other goods.

Rescue services are helping people in areas that are cut off and they are delivering them food, water and power generators. At this moment there are no human lives that would be directly endangered and that is a miracle.

You can see the devastation in the valley between Okonina and Luče and from Podvolovljek (Lučnica) to Okonina (Ljubno) on the video that was taken by our president Križnik Gregor in one of the helicopter rescuing missions on 6th of August 2023.



Facebook post about flooding

For all of those who would like to help us please consider the following:

At the moment the club can not use any volunteers, any offers with human power or machinery help will be held aside and you will be contacted later when the situation allows normal access to our area. Our club will need a lot of money resources in order to restore at least minimum capacities in our fish farm that will allow us to produce juveniles for restoring the fish populations to a minimum level. Fishing will not be possible for at least three years.

All of you that would like to donate the Flyfishing club Ljubno any amount of money are truly welcome and we will ensure that it will be used exclusively for rebuilding our fish farm infrastructure and equipment for fisheries management.

Our bank account is open at DBS d.d.:
IBAN: SI56 1966 0500 5329 754
Reference: Donation

Our address for the transfer:
Ribiška družina Ljubno ob Savinji
Na Peceh 10
3333 Ljubno ob Savinji

You can also DONATE by clicking the foundraiser at:

For any questions please write us an email |, we will reply as soon as possible.
In the name of our flyfishing club and in the name of the river Savinja we thank you for your support!

In the name of the head of the Flyfishing club Ljubno ob Savinji:
Gregor Križnik, president